Executive Committee
International Geological Congress Committee (IGCC)
Stanley Finney (Member; IUGS Secretary General), Hiroshi Kitazato (Member; IUGS Treasurer), Daekyo Cheong (Member; President of 37th IGC), Greg Botha (Member; Secretary General of 35th IGC)
John Ludden (Co-Chair; President IUGS)
Dhiraj Banerjee (Co-Chair; Representative of 36th IGC)
Yeong-Seok Kim (Secretary General; Secretary General of 37th IGC)
Stanley Finney (Member; IUGS Secretary General)
Hiroshi Kitazato (Member; IUGS Treasurer)
Daekyo Cheong (Member; President of 37th IGC)
Greg Botha (Member; Secretary General of 35th IGC)
Nominating Committee (NC)
"At each ordinary session of the Council, a Nominating Committee shall be appointed consisting of seven members, not more than three of whom, including the Past President, shall be members of the concurrent Executive Committee. The Chairman of the Committee shall be appointed by the Council. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a list of candidates as office bearers for election at the succeeding ordinary session of the Council." (Article 36, IUGS Statutes). Elected by the 4th Ordinary Session of the IUGS/IGC Council meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, September 2016 (Amended):
Chair: Prof. Qiuming Cheng (China)
Email: qiuming.cheng@iugs.org
NC Members: Anna Nguno (Namibia), Jorge Gomez Tapias (Colombia), Jose Pedro Calvo Sorando (Spain), Kristine Asch (Germany), Suzanne Mahlburg Kay (USA), Tatiana Tolmacheva (Russia)
Ad hoc Review Committees
Each committee (ARC) consists of a maximum of five persons, including up to two members from the Executive Committee. The external experts are eminent geoscientists in the field covered by the IUGS body that is to be reviewed. Hence, every ARC has a different composition of members.
Permanent Secretariat
Director of IUGS Secretariat: Mr. Ma Yongzheng
26 Baiwanzhuang Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100037, China
Tel: +86-10-5858-4808
Tel: +86-10-6831-0893
Fax: +86-10-6831-0893
Mobile: +86-13901183838
Email: secretariat@iugs.org

IUGS Quarterly Scientific Journal
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Sung Keun Lee
School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University
Republic of Korea
Email: sungklee@snu.ac.kr
Managing editor: Prof. Dr. Youngsook Huh
School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University
Republic of Korea
Email: yhuh@snu.ac.kr
Webmaster: Giuseppe Di Capua
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
via di Vigna Murata 605 - 00143 Rome, Italy
Email: giuseppe.dicapua@ingv.it
Editor: Gurmeet Kaur
Center of Advanced Study in Geology, Panjab University
Chandigarh, India
Email: gurmeet28374@gmail.com
Social Media
Manager: Yamirka Rojas-Agramonte
Institut für Geowissenschaften, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Ludewig-Meyn-Straße 10 (R. 454)
24118 Kiel, Germany