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IUGS Émile Argand Award (past Steno Award)

The IUGS Steno Award was established in 2012 as the highest award of IUGS. This award is given in recognition to geologists who have had a significant influence by means of a substantial body of excellent research, or for outstanding original contributions or achievements that mark a major advance in the science of geology. Due to the fact that the Danish Geological Society traditionally distributes a Steno prize was necessary to rename this IUGS award as the IUGS Émile Argand Award. The award is given every four years during an IGC session. The first award was given at the 35th IGC in Cape Town, South Africa.



  • Judith A. McKenzie (Cape Town, August 2016) - citation

  • Thure E. Cerling (Delhi, March 2020) - citation


IUGS James M. Harrison Award for distinguished service

The James M. Harrison Award was established in 2004 to express IUGS gratitude to persons who devoted much of their time to the Union. Nominees should have made an outstanding contribution to the Union over a considerable time span and should be alive and able to accept the award personally.



  • John Aaron (Florence, August 2004) 

  • Hanne Refsdal (Florence, August 2004) 

  • Wolfgang Eder (Oslo, August 2008)

  • Edward Derbyshire (Brisbane, August 2012)

  • Jean-Paul Cadet (Cape Town, August 2016) - citation

  • Peter T. Bobrowsky (Delhi, March 2020)

Early Career

Early Career Award

This award recognizes an early career scientist whose original research marks a major advance in Earth sciences.



  • Mónica Sánchez-Román (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 36th IGC, Delhi, March 2020):  The research contributions of Prof. Sánchez-Román have advanced understanding of isotopic signatures and microbes in carbonate deposits and in the detection of microbial life in sedimentary minerals of extreme environments.


Hutchison Fund Travel Awards

The Hutchison Award honors the memory of William Watt Hutchison, who served as IUGS Secretary General (1976-1980) and President (1984-1987). The award is intended to promote professional growth of deserving, meritorious young scientists from around the world by supporting their participation in important IUGS-sponsored conferences. The first three beneficiaries of the Hutchinson "Young Scientist Foundation" attended the 28th International Geological Congress (IGC) in Washington, D.C., in 1989. New beneficiaries attended the IGC in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and the 34th IGC in Brisbane (Australia).

Support for young scientists to attend the 36th IGC. Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15.10.2019 (Expired) (Posted 05.08.2019)


1989 Hutchison Fund Awards (28th International Geological Congress)

  • Witold Zuchiewicz (Jagielbonian University, Poland)

  • Nwoye Barth Ekwene (University of Calabar, Nigeria)

  • Maria Beatriz Aguirre Urreta (National Counil for Scientific Research, Argentina)

2000 Hutchison Fund Awards (31st International Geological Congress)

  • Yaounde, Ananya Biswas (University of Calcutta, India)

  • Ahmed M. Elshishtawy (Tanta University, Egypt)

  • Edanjarlo J. Marquez (University of Philippines, Philippines)

  • M. Sameena (Indian Space Research Orfganization, India)

  • Tatyana G. Shumilova (Komi Science Center of Ural Division, Russia)

  • Jean Pierre Tchouankoue (University of Yaounde, Cameroon)

2012 Hutchison Fund Awards (34th International Geological Congress)

  • Tandis S. Bidgoli (Arizona, USA)

  • Shaena Montanari (American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA)

  • Tiffany Rivera (Idaho, USA)

  • Danielle Thomson (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada)

  • Shuhong Wang (South China Sea Institute of Oceanography, Guangzhou, China)

  • Sandow M. Yidana (University of Ghana, Legon-Accra, Ghana)

2020 Hutchison Young Scientists Foundation Awards (36th International Geological Congress)

  • Michael Anenburg (Australian National University, Australia)

  • Christopher Baiyegunhi (University of Limpopo, South Africa)

  • Roberta Boní (University of Pavia, Italy)

  • Musawenkosi Buthelezi (Golder Associates Africa, South Africa)

  • Emmanuel Chinkaka (Malawi University of Science and Technology, Malawi)

  • Joesfina Hamutoko (University of Namibia, Namibia)

  • Han Zhong (Chengdu University of Technology, China)

  • Santanu Mukherjee (IITGN - Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India)

  • Jean-Robert Nshokano (CRGM - Centre de Recherche Géologiques et Miniéres, Democratic Republic of the Congo)

  • Ahmed Radwan (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

  • Luca Smeraglia (Université de Franche-Comté, France)

  • Luke Viljoen (gold mining company in Japan, from South Africa)

  • Max Webb (Royal Holloway University of London, United Kingdom)

  • Olga Yakushina (FSBVI - All-Russian Institute of Mineral Resources, Moscow, Russia)

  • Zhang Shuang (Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, DC, USA)


IUGS Scientific Awards of Excellence

The IUGS Science Excellence Awards were created in 2011 to recognize outstanding original contributions or achievements that mark a major advance to the Earth Sciences.



  • Stig M. Bergström (Science Excellence Award and ICS "Digby McLaren" Award for Stratigraphy, Brisbane, 2012)

  • Ibrahim bin Komoo (Science Excellence Award for Environmental Geology, Brisbane, 2012)

  • Nir Orion (Science Excellence Award for Geological Education. Brisbane, 2012)

  • John G. Ramsay (Science Excellence Award for Structural Geology, Brisbane, 2012)

  • Hugh S. Torrens (Science Excellence Award and INHIGEO "Vladimir V. Tikhomirov"Award for History of Geology, Brisbane, 2012)

  • Steve Richard (Science Excellence Award for Geoscience Information, Cape Town, August 2016) - citation

  • Andrew G. Miall (Science Excellence Award and ICS "Digby McLaren" Award for Stratigraphy and Sedimentology, Cape Town, August 2016) - citation

  • Bruce Edward Hobbs (Science Excellence Award in Structural Geology, Cape Town, August 2016) - citation

  • Martin Rudwick (Science Excellence Award and INHIGEO "Vladimir V. Tikhomirov" Award for History of Geology, Cape Town, August 2016) - citation

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